Member Log In

You Must Enable Cookies Before You Can Log In To This Website

This website -- -- uses cookies in order to log in, but they're being blocked by your web browser. To continue, you must enable cookies in your web brower. If you need help, Chrome users please follow these instructions to enable cookies
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More Information About Cookies

Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer when you visit most websites. We use cookies exclusively to keep track of your login session, and to identify you on our server when you're logged in. We DO NOT use cookies to track your movements online, and do not share your usage information with anyone. Learn more about cookies from Wikipedia.


Next Steps...

When you're done, please return to the login page and try again. If you need more help resolving this issue, please contact our support team for assistance.

Don't Have a Password? Sign Up Now

How to Register

To register for an event, advance the calendar until you find the month and event you wish.  Click on that event.  You'll be prompted to log in (if you have already become a member on our site) or to sign up if you are visiting us for the first time. 

If you are signing on for the first time, please do so and a password will be sent to you promptly. 

If you have already signed up with us, simply log in and register for the event. 


Privacy Policy:  Please note that our system saves your credit card information; however, only the last four digits are visible to our staff. In addition, you can log into your account and delete your credit card information at any time. Krav Maga Alliance does not share your personal information with any third parties.