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Instructor Manuals
Friday, June 8, 2018
Firearms Friday
Firearms Training! Join us the day for Advanced Prep Weekend for some great instructional training. The cost is $60 and includes gun rental. Ammunition will cost extra (assume around $50). We will train from 9am to 1pm on Friday, June 8. The location is in Moorpark, about 1 hour northwest of Krav Maga Alliance headquarters.
We will send directions to everyone who is registered, and we can provide rides for anyone who needs a lift.
This is a chance to preview our new training facility... a 500 ACRE shooting range with pistol bays, rifle ranges, and a full canyon to use for long range work. We are very excited to have you all see this new facility. Please register here, and we will send more information out soon!
June 8, 2018
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Off Site
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